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How subjective our perceptions can be when it comes to debate?

Photo du rédacteur: Hà Phạm VânHà Phạm Vân

Dernière mise à jour : 24 sept. 2024

Sometimes, debates are endless, and it's because 2 people are stuck in their own viewpoints. Just like the French comedian Roman Frayssinet stated in the video, 2 individuals he saw on TV argued endlessly for 1 hour about whether they saw Johnny Depp or Jack Sparrow. While it sounds foolish since they talked about the same person, this scenario explains a lot about how subjective our perceptions can be. People sometimes mistake perceptions for facts, and therefore refuse to understand the other's point of view. This can make it difficult for individuals to accept their opinions are wrong, which is due to the fact that our perceptions are shaped by our environment, social circle, experiences, and the information we choose to focus on. Therefore, perception is the interpretation of reality, but filtered through the mind's biases.

This paves the way for how to resolve conflicts and arguments: by shifting one's perspectives. As Roman Frayssinet said later in the video, instead of sitting on the opposite side of the table, we should try to acknowledge another point of view. In that way, we will realize that there are many facets of the situations, and, if possible, will understand the other people's perspectives and viewpoints. Practicing a shift in perspectives can increase open-mindedness and calmness regarding heated arguments.

If shifting perspectives is easy, then why do we still have arguments with our family members, partners, or even with our friends and colleagues? As mentioned, our perceptions are colored by our surroundings, experiences, and emotions: "When you’re hungry, everything looks different. When you’re happy, everyone seems beautiful. When you’re unhappy, everyone appears foolish". So how to modify your perspectives to understand each other better? Becoming self-aware that our viewpoints are incomplete and making an effort to ask questions and get the other to express their opinions is very important. In that way, we can not only develop our critical thinking but also maintain healthier relationships with people around us.

Self-awareness increases personal development and enables oneself to manage human connections more effectively, which is one of the main objectives of MilaCom and the Well-Living Rally program. In fact, "Conscience de soi et connection à soi" is one of the six themes of Well-Living Rally, and it is highlighted through the video: being self-aware not only improves yourself but also helps you understand others. Another cornerstone is "Les Différentes Approches", which focuses on 3 main factors: neurolinguistic programming, AT transactional analysis, and creative thoughts. As implied through the video, subjective perceptions can be reprogrammed to change behaviors, and through transactional analysis, our interactions are shaped by mental states. With creative approaches, imagination influences how reality is perceived and solutions are made.

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