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Injunctions: How to break free from hidden expectations

Photo du rédacteur: Hà Phạm VânHà Phạm Vân

Image source: Medium

Though "injunctions" might sound unfamiliar to some people, almost everyone has experienced them during their childhood or formative years. Injunctions, according to, order that we comply ourselves with and sometimes feel that we "must" or "have to" do it. They can be explicit instructions such as "Hurry up, we don't have time!" or hidden expectations like "You are ashamed for making that mistake - your parents must punish you for doing that". Since they affect our mind, then gradually our behavior, injunctions can leave negative consequences in our personal and professional lives.

Research from shows that there are 5 main injunctions "Be perfect", "Be strong", "Hurry up", "Please" and "Make an effort". While these injunctions might sound positive, they can force one to proceed to actions they don't feel like taking. In the long term, they can shape people's beliefs about themselves and the world around them. For example, "Be perfect" can increase fears of making mistakes and being judged and criticized. However, mistakes can foster learning through experiences, and constructive feedback can develop self-awareness and correct trajectory for improvement. In this sense, other injunctions like "Be strong" might result in suppression of emotions (vulnerability, etc.), "Make an effort" results in overworking and burn-out, and "Please" results in people-pleasing behavior. In the long term, following injunctions can create a lack of self-awareness, causing a lack of productivity and deteriorating well-being.

Image source: Klassen Performance Group

So, how to prevent injunctions from affecting our lives? First, recognize the root behaviors or thoughts incurred in each injunction. Ask yourself "Why do I think I must be perfect? Why do I think I should please this person?". Next, analyze your own fears and weaknesses to see whether they are rational. And then, remember to take it easy on yourself: you are allowed to make mistakes while striving for perfection, and you are allowed to feel scared or afraid. And most importantly, always check yourself if you are comfortable to proceed with any actions, as self-validation and self-awareness are really important! Indeed, at MilaCom, "Conscience de Soi & Connexion à Soi" is one of the six themes of our training program. We always look forward to having you at our events and workshops and improving your well-being and interpersonal skills!

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