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Time management: How to successfully organize your schedule either in professional or social life

Photo du rédacteur: Hà Phạm VânHà Phạm Vân

Organizing a day might seem easier for some people with the help of technological applications such as Google Calendar, Outlook, or Reminder. However, it can become more difficult due to easy exposure to distractions. According to the article from, Virginee Stassen states that daily distractions such as emails, social media platforms or shopping applications can generate more than 50000 thoughts per day. Given our limited brain capacity and time, mastering time management is not easy. This article will propose some tips to manage your time more effectively.

  1. What are your priorities?

Making a to-do list might be suggested by many when it comes to time management. However, what if there are so many daily obligations that you don't know which one to start? Therefore, determining priorities is the first step toward time management. Thanks to Eisenhowery's matrix, prioritizing the tasks is easy as you can allocate them based on 4 categories: "urgent and important", "not urgent and important", "urgent and not important", and "not urgent and not important". After that, you can start taking the "urgent and important" tasks, delegating the "urgent and important" ones, scheduling tasks that are not urgent but important, and deleting the rest. This method can save wasted time on redundant tasks, improve work-life balance, and increase productivity.

  1. How are your goals?

Even though prioritizing tasks is done, people can still go off-track if they are not precise and practical in their goals. A proper goal should be a SMART goal: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Be specific about the outcomes you want to achieve, how long it can be done, how it can be measured to keep track, and how realistic and achievable it is. Then, you can allocate your time frame more effectively for each goal.

  1. How to be more productive while achieving your goals?

Thanks to technology, making timetables and keeping track of your goals are better managed with the help of Google Calendar, Outlook, and other time management platforms. These apps help you create time frames for each task during a week, month or year, and notify you 1 hour, 30 minutes or 15 minutes before each time frame. Also, make sure to take a proper break between these tasks to recharge your batteries by taking a nap, resting, eating and socializing with your friends and family. Stress and burnout can be detrimental to productivity, and so is multitasking. Our brain capacity is limited, so it is better to do one task continuously and then move on to another than try to complete both tasks simultaneously.

  1. Reflect on your performance

Lastly, regularly reviewing your schedule and your performance is important, as it can show you what to continue and what to improve on. Also, each goal has its own difficulties and needs different skills to manage, reflecting on your schedule and goal setting can help you to know what to focus on when completing a certain type of task.

At MilaCom, we provide training and coaching sessions that enable participants to physically learn how to put theories and terms such as time management, conflict management, effective communication, etc. into practice. Our training is a combination of finding the best theory applicable to each person, and the solutions are therefore customized to maximize the outcome. In this way, time management techniques might seem easy to implement, but daily and consistent practice is essential to master it. Follow up on our website and LinkedIn profile to get notified of our interactive and educational training and coaching sessions!

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